How do I choose Dispersant?

If you have not much time, just ask our experts

  1. Cearly know the effecting factors of dispersant in coating

effect factors of dispersing agent

01 Coating Systems
02 Pigments
03 Base Material (Resin)
04 System Compatibility
05 Workability
06 Good Price-Performance Ratio

2. If you have time, test dispersant quality by yourself

01 Fineness Measurement
02 “Rub-Out” Test
03 Electron Microscopy for Particle Size Distribution and State
04 Determination of Coloring Strength
05 Determination of Paint Storage Stability
06 Gloss and Transparency of the Paint Film

3. What we suggest for you based on different conditions

3.1 Low-polarity system

Low polarity systems typically contain low polarity solvents, resins, and other additives.

These systems often use low polarity solvents (like alkanes or aromatic solvents) and resins. Low polarity resins may include certain types of polyurethanes, epoxy resins, etc.

Pigments Type First Choice Second Choice Synergist
Titanium Dioxide DCA-5723
Matting Agent DCA-8417 DCA-5722
Inorganic Pigments and Fillers DCA-5723
Red/Yellow Organic Pigments DCA-8408 DCA-8422
Phthalocyanine Blue/Green DCA-8408 DCA-8408 DCA-8450
Carbon Black DCA-5722 DCA-8408 DCA-8450
Mixed Pigments DCA-805S

3.2 Middle-polarity system

Midium polarity systems typically contain midium polarity solvents, resins, and other additives.


  • Acrylic Resins: Widely used for water-based paints, known for versatility.

  • Vinyl Acetate-Ethylene (VAE) Copolymers: Commonly found in interior paints.

  • Styrene-Acrylic Resins: Offering good adhesion and water resistance.


  • Water: Primary solvent in water-based paints, environmentally friendly.

  • Glycol Ethers: Used as coalescents and viscosity reducers in water-based paints.

  • Propylene Glycol: Often added to control drying time in water-based coatings.

Pigments Type First Choice Second Choice Synergist
Titanium Dioxide DCA-5122 DCA-509
Matting Agent DCA-8432 DCA-509
Inorganic Pigments and Fillers DCA-509 DCA-5155
Red/Yellow Organic Pigments DCA-8330 DCA-5172 DCA-8422
Phthalocyanine Blue/Green DCA-8330 DCA-8432 DCA-8450
Carbon Black DCA-5421 DCA-6431 DCA-8450
Mixed Pigments DCA-805S

3.3 Middle and high polarity system

Midium and high polarity systems typically contain midium and high polarity solvents, resins, and other additives.


  • Polyester Resins: Used in industrial coatings for their durability.

  • Phenolic Resins: Known for their heat resistance and chemical stability.

  • Polyamide Resins: Used in high-performance coatings due to their toughness.


  • Ketones (e.g., MEK): Used as solvents in high-polarity coatings.

  • Toluene: Provides good solvency in paints and coatings.

  • Ethyl Acetate: Used as a solvent in medium to high-polarity coatings.

Pigments Type First Choice Second Choice Synergist
Titanium Dioxide DCA-509 DCA-9520
Matting Powder DCA-6431 DCA-9520
Inorganic Pigments and Fillers DCA-509 DCA-9520
Red/Yellow Organic Pigments DCA-8330 DCA-5172 DCA-8422
Phthalocyanine Blue/Green DCA-8330 DCA-9520 DCA-8450
Carbon Black DCA-6431 DCA-8330 DCA-8450
Anti-Flooding and Floating DCA-805S

3.4 Water based system


Water-based paints use various types of resins, which provide different performance characteristics to meet various application needs. Here are some common types of resins used in water-based paints:

  1. Acrylic Resins: These are one of the most common types of resins used in water-based paints. Acrylic resins offer excellent weather resistance, adhesion, and water resistance. They are suitable for both interior and exterior coatings as well as decorative paints.
  2. Vinyl Acetate-Ethylene (VAE) Copolymers: VAE resins are typically used in interior water-based paints. They provide good abrasion resistance and adhesion, making them a common choice for interior wall paints.
  3. Styrene-Acrylic Resins: This resin type combines the properties of styrene and acrylic acid, offering good adhesion and chemical stability. They are commonly used in both decorative and functional water-based paints.
  4. Polyurethane Resins: Polyurethane resins are used in water-based paints to provide excellent wear resistance and chemical resistance. They are often used in wood coatings and floor paints.
  5. Acrylic Emulsions: These are water-based resin emulsions suitable for various coating applications. They provide outstanding weather resistance and water resistance.
  6. Polymer Emulsions: Polymer emulsions can include acrylic emulsions, vinyl emulsions, and others, used to manufacture various types of water-based paints, from wall paints to industrial coatings.
  7. Silicone Resins: Silicone resins are used in water-based paints to provide high-temperature resistance and chemical

Pigments Type First Choice Second Choice Synergist
Titanium Dioxide DCA-666 DCA-665
Matting Agent DCA-6431 DCA-6411
Inorganic Pigments and Fillers DCA-666 DCA-665
Red/Yellow Organic Pigments DCA-9496 DCA-9491 DCA-8422
Phthalocyanine Blue/Green DCA-9491 DCA-9496 DCA-8450
Carbon Black DCA-9491 DCA-9496 DCA-8450
Anti-Flooding and Floating DCA-805S

3.5 Nosolvent system( UV-curing)

Pigments Type First Choice Second Choice Synergist
Titanium Dioxide DCA-8115 DCA-509
Matting powder DCA-8430 DCA-6431
Inorganic Pigments and Fillers DCA-509 DCA-9520
Red/Yellow Organic Pigments DCA-8430 DCA-6431 DCA-8422
Phthalocyanine Blue/Green DCA-8430 DCA-6431 DCA-8450
Carbon Black DCA-8430 DCA-6431 DCA-8450

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