Silicone Antifoam DCA-4061


DCA-4061 is an organic silicon defoamer suitable for water-based systems, with strong defoaming and inhibiting capabilities, as well as extremely high efficiency. It has good effects at very low dosage and is suitable for defoaming in water-based coatings and ink systems.

Physicochemical Data

  • Chemical composition:Organic silicon compounds

  • Appearance:White lotion

  • Active content: 50%

  • Solvent: Water

Product features

  • Strong defoaming capability

  • Inhibiting bubble capabilities,

  • Good effect under lower dosage

Application areas

Suitable for various water-based coating systems, including but not limited to the following application areas:

  • Water based coating

  • Water based ink

Similar Products: DC-65

Our products have a good cost-performance ratio, receiving positive feedback from customers in China and overseas markets.

Addition Method

Generally, 0.05% -1% of the total amount can be added at any stage of production. After addition, it is necessary to stir as much as possible to achieve good dispersion

Packaging and storage:

25KG iron drum, stored in a cool and dry place.

Note: The purpose of this manual is to provide basic product information to technical personnel involved in the development of coatings, inks, pesticides, and other industries. It is intended for research and reference use and does not carry any warranties. Please conduct preliminary tests to assess its suitability.

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