Silicone Defoamer DCA-411


DCA-411 defoamer for drilling fluid,It has a significant effect on eliminating stubborn fine bubbles during operations and possesses good defoaming, inhibiting, and degassing properties. This product has good dispersibility and requires a small amount, which can be well dispersed in the drilling fluid, inhibiting stubborn foam caused by other additives. Due to its high temperature and shear resistance, acid and alkali resistance, it will not lose defoaming performance during drilling. It has no side effects on mud and related additives, ensuring the safe and normal production of oil extraction.

Physicochemical Data

  • Chemical composition:Modified organic silicon

  • Appearance:Milky white liquid

  • Active content:20%

  • Solvent: Water

Product features

  • Strong defoaming and inhibiting power, with a small dosage that does not affect the basic properties of the foaming system.
  • Good heat resistance, chemical stability, non-corrosive, non-toxic, no adverse side effects, non-flammable, non-explosive.
  • Comparable performance to imported products, with a significant price advantage.
  • Good dispersibility, easy to use, and a small amount is required.
  • High defoaming efficiency, improves the lubrication and cooling performance of the mud, and enhances the circulation efficiency of the mud.
  • Excellent performance, does not cause environmental pollution.

Application areas

Petroleum drilling fluid, petroleum drilling mud, petroleum cementing systems, mortar, mining, beneficiation, and other mud circulation systems.

Addition Method

Add approximately 0.01~0.2% of the total goods volume as an external addition to the defoamer on-site. The most economical dosage should be determined after a process test.

Packaging and storage:

25KG Plastic drum, stored in a cool and dry place.

Note: The purpose of this manual is to provide basic product information to technical personnel involved in the development of coatings, inks, pesticides, and other industries. It is intended for research and reference use and does not carry any warranties. Please conduct preliminary tests to assess its suitability.

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