
What are the factors that affect the use of dispersants in coatings?

01 Coating Systems

  • Description: Coatings are divided into water-based, solvent-based, powder, and other systems. Wetting and dispersing agents used are typically not universal.

  • Key Point: Additive providers should clarify whether the additive is for water-based or solvent-based systems to align with user requirements. Incorrect usage can lead to ineffective wetting and dispersing, and unexpected issues.

02 Pigments

  • Differentiation: It’s important to distinguish between inorganic and organic pigments, and within organic pigments, between phthalocyanine series and carbon black.
  • Practice: Large international companies have specific additives for certain pigments for optimal effects. Most additives are still general-purpose, requiring user experimentation to find the best fit.

03 Base Material (Resin)

Consideration: Different resin systems have varying wetting properties for pigments, affecting the choice of wetting and dispersing agents.

04 System Compatibility

  • Complexity: A coating system often uses multiple additives, including wetting and dispersing agents, leveling agents, and defoamers.
  • Importance: Compatibility is crucial. Strong emulsifying wetting agents can reduce the efficacy of defoamers. Attention to compatibility ensures formula balance and comprehensive product performance.

05 Workability

Application: For thick-paste type vertical surface coatings, prefer additives that control flocculation and have thixotropic properties for better workability.

06 Good Price-Performance Ratio

  • Economic Aspect: Using high-priced additives in low-priced products is not cost-effective.
  • Guideline: The choice of wetting and dispersing agents should match the product’s grade to maintain a balance between price and performance.